Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hey guys,

It seems for the event some people have made decisions that it's 25$ for the date and free for the picnic and things have been sent out. I just realised that it doesn't work so can we suggest a solution?

it doesn't work because people might want to pay nothing and still get the opportunity to mingle at the park. We had decided to do $15 for picnic and $25 for date and that somehow changed....

We can't ask people to BYO any food because it's unprofessional to do that to an organised event, even if we were providing some of it.

So we have to provide all the food at the picnic, which will cost too much.

I still think it'll be a good event if we sit down on Tues and go over things to take care of that might go wrong, a backup plan if people haven't RSVP'd by paying by OCT 7.

Please me know what you think and any solutions you have for this. Thanks!!!


  1. Hey Linette,

    The reason we decided that the picnic would be free was mainly for of risk mitigation purposes- because if it rains we wont be able to have the picnic- and if people pay $15 for food at the picnic and it rains they will be very unhappy. We decided to instead charge $25 for the speed dating experience- and the picnic is a bonus free event for those after the speed dating.

    Everybody is welcome to come to the picnic, but I think it will mainly just be people who did the speed dating and some of our friends who we invite. I don't think people would especially come just to the picnic to meet people, because we have not advertised the event like that its primarily speed dating with a bonus picnic- otherwise we would be have to market 2 different events.

    In terms of food- i think its fine to ask our friends who come for the picnic to bring a plate- especially since the picnic is free. And the food we will have will be like cakes/ muffins/ chips etc so it can all be shared and not individual portions - so even if more people turn up it should be ok.

    I think the most worrying thing is if people dont RSVP by the 7th- as i think people are interested in coming, but im not sure if they want to go for that extra step of paying, especially on such late notice. If only a few people turn up on the day- we might have to participate aswell- or just do the event will less people. Hopefully we can think of better solutions in class- Maria and I are also working through these issues.

  2. I agree with Linette on this - If we ask people to bring a plate I'm sorry but it is going to bring the standard of the event down a lot! We could create this nice looking professional event which reflects Patchworks as a brand and then have people bring different plates of food wrapped in cling film spread across the tables - there will be no consistency of branding and I think the brand will lose credibility of running professional events - It will look like a student project.

    if we don't want to charge people to come to the afterparty then we need to fork out the funds to supply the food because I don't think we should get people to bring a plate.

    *UNLESS we get people to supply the plate beforehand and we can arrange it according to the event design

  3. I agree with both Natasha and Tristan, we can also have a registration table/booth for the people who do pay, someone from Patchworks can be in charge of that, anyone else who we do not wish to have join us for the picnic part we can refuse.
