Sup Team Design!!After our team leaders meeting this evening, we have come to conclusion that we need to finalise a lot of architectural design attributes which will go towards our Travel Dater testing this Friday afternoon at the travelators (Natasha will be sending out an email regarding that).
The reason we need to finalise most of the leg work in 2.5 days’ time, is so we can do a proper test and have plenty of time to iron out the bugs before our first event.
Also we need to have a strong template so we can apply this on our next event, which all of 11517 will be discussing next Tuesday.
To get the ball rolling, we have decided to break the team up into groups of 2-3. A task will be assigned to your team which you will focus on till Friday. Please feel free to contact Tristan, Natasha or myself if you are confused or would like to discuss the task further. I’m keeping the task transparent, so everyone will know who is doing what. This will also be posted on the blog – So no excuses that you haven’t got this email or blog post.
Jason and Matt MPhotography / Rule cardsFor the rule cards, we need a set of rules that each couple picks just before boarding the travel dater. The rules should be based on social interaction and how it changes the perception that the travelator is not just for standing on when going from A to B or B to A. Think of it as an instructional guide to speed dating on a travelator- consider moments such as waiting on either end, questions to ask whilst on the travelator with a partner, little treats and things to look out for in the middle, getting your photo taken and the interview.
Jason as discussed this morning I understand we need more than one photographer. How many do we really need and how are they going to take photos on the travelator during those 5 minutes of movement? Do we need to get spare cameras for the other photographer to use?
Sam and TanTaxonomy and Post Travel Dater QuestionnaireCould you guys please look at a couple of simple question to ask each guest when they have to wait at the ends of the travelators? This question has to be broad range, so it can be easily answered and tabulated.
Also look at the travelator + speed dating taxonomy. (Tristan will expand on this). If Tristan doesn’t update you in the next couple of hours, start doing some of your own research and do some diagrams.
Euckan and OpheliaSequence CombinationsI understand you have spoken to Natasha earlier today. Keep it up !
EdwinHypothesisI will write a well described summary on what 11517 is doing is classified as Architecture – Social Architecture. How does architecture, specific detailed design events, branding affect social behaviour/vitalisation of the city.
Event 1 measure upMichael and I will do a site measure up of the travelator after 11517 Friday tutorial
Vida and CeciOne of the programs we haven’t deeply looked at is the “after party” when travel dater is over. The team has decided to have an afternoon picnic at Hyde Park with our entire guest and the design team.
The theme of the picnic is based off the Jetson cartoon (no we are not dressing up) but our food and setting will be based around that, which should create social interaction. Think airport meals- individually packed and ready to go etc
Could you please look at food, food setting, food placement, food types for interaction, logistics (getting the food to the park) and number of people to do the setup? Feel free to forward you ideas to the marketing team to get pricing or other ideas.
Tristan(Tristan will update this soon)
That’s pretty much it guys. Please post your ideas and findings on the blog and email progress work to us Thursday evening or early Friday morning for discussion. At the end of the day there is no right or wrong answer to any of this but at least it creates 11517 discussions to pan out the flaws or expand on interesting ideas
If you need to discuss, please find our contacts the Ophelia sent ot us last week.